Did you know that Scentsy sells bricks ?
Bricks are available through our Scentsy club !
Check out the scents available
🥧 Baked Apple Pie
💜 Black Raspberry Vanilla
💙 Blue Grotto
🫐 Blueberry Cheesecake
🧺 Clean Breeze
🥥 Coconut Lemongrass
😴 Jammy Time
🍎 Johnny Appleseed
🌙 Luna
❤️ Perfectly Pomegranate
🥑 Sea Salt & Avocado
🧡 Skinny Dippin
🍋 Squeeze the Day
🍪 Sugar Cookie
🍊 Sunkissed Citrus
🍨 Vanilla Bean Buttercream
🏡 Welcome Home
#scentsybricks #thescentedlife #bricks #welcomehome #sunkissedcitrus #sugarcookie #luna #jammytime #johnnyappleseed #skinnydippin #squeezetheday #cleanbreeze #perfectlypomegranate https://danalucas.scentsy.ca/scentsy-club